Easy to build, easy to use. Tell your friends!
NNF’s strategy since 2006 has been to assist those who are interested in building a stove for themselves. Building from local materials ensures repairs are intuitive and affordable, and the simple design can quickly spread from one neighbor to another with minimal involvement from NNF staff.
NNF has assisted with building 8,245 stoves since inception. From the first 30 stoves in 2006 (some of which are still operational today!) to the over 1,000 built this year, a total of more than 90 million pounds of wood has been saved. This equates to approximately 90,000 50-foot trees that remain standing today, thanks to the dedicated actions of our community partners.

Stoves built in 2024
Stoves built since inception
Each one, teach one.
Stove workshops help spread the idea and encourage newcomers to see for themselves: comparing the efficient stoves and traditional three-stone fires in action, witnessing the efficiency and weighing the wood used, and enjoying the delicious results.
Eight workshops were conducted in 2024 with 294 total participants. Workshops were also used to introduce the concept to our 7th target area, Hamukungu Village in Queen Elizabeth National Park.
Kasenyi Village, also in QENP, had surveys conducted with GPS demarcation of the stoves built. By reducing the need for firewood, human-wildlife conflicts are reduced.